The cycle of transformation and starting up
How do startups navigate a world that is in a state of flux? What do we build and who do we build it for? To understand innovation in a technology or startup context, we must look at the cycle of transformation. By transformation we mean the evolution of domains and industries over a period of […]
The strategy skills toolbox: 120 decisions
We talk about strategy skills with our founders quite often, along with the significance of building these skills. In this blog, we break down what we mean by “strategy” and how we believe that in its simplest form, strategy is all about decision making. Make the right decisions: Strategy is future-oriented and we want you […]
The accelerator problem-solution – what we’ve learnt.
In one of our previous blogs we talked about why loving/living the problem was an essential step in finding effective solutions. We also talked about how startup founders could generate eureka moments in a systematic manner by loving the problem they’re solving. This blog looks at the problem-solution process from our perspective, the accelerator perspective. […]
The Perils of Missing Milestones
Over the past 18 months, several Pakistani early stage startups have raised large funding rounds from institutional investors. This is great news for our ecosystem! It shows that more and more founders are beginning to build companies that seasoned investors see potential in. It also serves to inspire others to follow suit and become technology […]