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Mastering Domain Knowledge

Mastering Domain Knowledge A Strategic Blueprint for Startup Success Venturing into the entrepreneurial arena is akin to embarking on a high-stakes adventure where only a select few, less than 10 percent, reach the elusive finish line. Despite these daunting statistics, startup founders are not just participating in the race; they are determined to win it. […]

Riding the Waves of Changing Market Trends

Let’s talk about the captivating and ever-changing world of market trends. Envision these markets as dynamic sand dunes, perpetually shifting and reshaping under the influences of time and nature. Like these dunes, the market landscape we traverse today might be completely transformed by tomorrow, presenting new challenges and unique opportunities. Shifting sand dunes and market […]

The Role Of Founder Capital In The Value Expansion Of A Startup

Redefining Capital in the Startup World: Financial vs. Founder Capital In business, the belief that “capital reigns supreme” dominates. Whether it’s a small business or a large corporation, financial capital is often considered king. This thinking results in a common practice where 80% of a venture’s equity goes to investors, leaving only 20% to the […]

Early Stage Funding Landscape in 2020 – Part 1

Shortly before Eid, my colleague came across a study by Wing VC about the changing nature of early stage funding for tech startups in Silicon Valley. It is their third annual study on this topic, based on funding raised by early stage tech companies from one of 21 top venture firms over 10 years. We thought […]

Early Stage Funding Landscape in 2020 – Part 2

This is part 2 of our piece on early stage funding. Part 1 explained how and why early stage funding has been changing over the last decade. We now move on to what these trends mean for Pakistani tech founders and then give our take on what will happen as we enter a new economic […]

Founders have to be great leaders

Startups, especially technology startups, are all about leadership. It’s why there are more good ideas than there are good founders – because good leaders are rare to find.  Why is leadership important now? Being a great founder is no longer just about knowing how to do business or knowing how to build the tech. With […]

The Talent Pyramid

To the outsider, we’re in the market for great ideas but what we’re really in the market for is great talent. Talent is what drives the world of startups and precisely what this blogpost will cover. If you’re an emerging market founder or someone who invests in emerging market founders looking to go global, this is […]

Building‌ ‌A‌ ‌Eureka‌ ‌Generating‌ ‌Machine

Most of us in the startup world have heard the phrase “fall in love with the problem, not the solution”, but what does “falling in love with the problem” really mean? As founders, how does it make sense to love the problems when all we want is to build the solutions? In this blog, we’ll […]

Are you inside the movie or outside?

Previously, we’ve written about how founders have to be great leaders and how we identify great founders through our talent pyramid approach. Primarily, we write about founders because a large part of what we do involves founder coaching as a key component of startup development. This blog is based on an approach we use as […]

Live the problem, eureka moments will happen.

A little over ten years ago, Eric Ries wrote about “loving the problem” and the structured approach to doing this. As we work with emerging market founders, we’ve realized that another way of saying “love the problem” is saying “live the problem.” In this blog, we’ll help you discover the meaning and essence of loving/living […]